About Majlis Nafath 1
The first edition of Majlis Nafath seeks to highlight transformative research and innovation at the intersection of multiple disciplines, all aimed at advancing assistive technologies and digital accessibility.
Topics of Interest:
The 1st edition of Majlis Nafath welcomes submissions from the whole spectrum of digital accessibility and assistive technologies fields. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:
- Universal Design and Accessibility Standards
- Human-Computer Interfaces for People with Disabilities
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for Accessibility
- Web and Mobile Accessibility
- Accessibility Evaluation of Interactive Systems
- Innovations in Screen Readers, Magnifiers, and Alternative Input Devices
- Software Engineering for Accessibility
- Artificial Intelligence for Accessibility
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Assistive Solutions
- Innovations in Assistive Technologies
- Smart Assistive Technologies
- Accessibility in Transportation and Navigation Systems
- Social impact and Policy Implications of Assistive Technologies
- Accessible Gaming
- Healthcare Assistive Devices
- Sign Language Processing
- Technologies Design for People with Multiple Impairments